Smart Heating Systems

Which? returned with their annual best and worse energy supplier report earlier this year, and it was great to see the smaller energy companies topping the tables yet again! The questions covered complaints, value for money, accuracy and clarity of bills and more. Ovo Energy were at the top for a second year in a row, earning 4/5 for every category, with an overall customer score of 78%. PFP Energy, ebico, Flow Energy and Utility Warehouse then followed, all with customer scores of over 70%. Trailing at the bottom were Npower, Scottish Power, The Co-operative Energy, Extra Energy, M&S Energy Eon and SSE, with them scoring 57% or less.
  1. 78% – Ovo Energy – down 4% on 2017
  2. 76% – PFP Energy
  3. 75% – Ebico
  4. 73% – Flow Energy
  5. 73% – Utility Warehouse
  6. 72% – Ecotricity
  7. 71% – Utilita
  8. 70% – Green Star
  9. 70% – iSupply Energy
  10. 66% – Good Energy
  11. 64% – First Utility
  12. 60% – Sainsbury’s Energy
  13. 60% – Spark Energy
  14. 57% – Eon
  15. 56% – British Gas
  16. 56% – SSE
  17. 55% – Economy Energy
  18. 55% – EDF Energy
  19. 55% – M&S Energy
  20. 54% – The Co-operative Energy
  21. 50% – Scottish Power
  22. 49% – Extra Energy
  23. 44% – Npower
Npower was the only supplier who customers rated it terrible value for money, which is surprising is it has the highest amount of customers out of the Big Six. Historically, the Which? energy survey as shown that the Big Six have continually received poor rankings, with the smaller firms ranking at the top. To see if you could get a cheaper deal, visit the  Which? price comparison tool.